Saturday, October 21, 2006

So, sue me.

Go ahead.

Please sue me.

I really would love to see you do so. File that case against me. I beg of you. I've been kind of bored and this would be so much fun. Come on now, please?

Okay, come background : tri race organizers are threatening to sue someone for selling pics taken of the race, claiming they own ALL copyright to images taken at their race. So when a fan takes pics at the Olympics, the IOC owns the copyright to that? I was there on official assignment for a magazine and what the magazine did not use, a newspaper asked permission to publish. And yes, my EIC at the magazine allowed me to give my pic to the paper to use. Public race, public place, no invasion of privacy. Here's some reading for you on IP law. It's a fun read, I promise.
They want to sue me and some other people. You know, while you're at it, go sue every single spectator who took a picture at your event. GO. AHEAD. This will be fun. Really, I'm just sitting here waiting. Actually, I'm flipping you off and laughing my ass off at the preposterousness [my god was that word long - I'm impressed!] of the whole deal.

Let's see you try this shit on me. Don't you know I missed my calling as a lawyer? I absolutely loved being in the courtroom and reading contracts and the whole deal. Really, this would so make my whole year!

1 comment:

Pia said...

hey if they sue you and they lose, maybe you can sue back for emotional distress.