Wednesday, November 29, 2006


I missed a call from an unknown number this morning. I was in the shower. Sorry.

I could only think of one person who could call me at that hour from an unknown number - but why now and why that number? Are you on your way to Manila? What are you doing in China? I'm scared it's you, actually. I was devastated when we ended. [And when you wanted to get back together, I told you I met someone else while I was away. It was only partly true. Mostly I was too scared that you would hurt me again.]

Why do people come out of the woodwork when you're not in any mood to go out? Why don't any of you call me when I need a date? Seriously.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

How to deal.

I had no time to be cool [previous post]. The decision and realization came over one day and delivered just as quickly, mercifully for both parties involved, in the space of three songs.

It was a thing I refused to put a label on. It also almost doesn't exist - there is virtually no evidence of the whole thing taking place [except maybe for the possibility of a video in an elevator]. But it was something, even without a label and the mementos. The question is, if you were not really together, is it still called a break-up?

I guarded myself very well against the pain of the invetable end but there still the aftermath. I'm only human after all. So here I am, trying to deal.

I allowed myself a full day to do what girls do when they need to deal : laze around in bed, watch TV, shop, eat a donut and spend some quality time in the salon. From here on, I just need to keep myself distracted. Work out, go out.

It sounds clinical and unsentimental but sentiment is the one thing I can't afford myself. It's not true that you can't chose how to feel - you can. What am I going to do? Mope around for a couple of weeks, eat some nasty carbs and look unhappy? I'm so not going to go there.

Monday, November 13, 2006


Without going into specifics, it would be hard to explain what I am worried about exactly. Actually, even with specifics, it would also be hard to explain the nature of my quandary. Anyway, it involves someone.

I hate not knowing. I'm a person who knows things. Not knowing is the worst kind of torture there is. And in this case, I have no choice but to wait and be the one thing I am not : COOL.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I hope it's only hormones

Let's not get into a discussion with what is wrong about my endocrine system but I hope that this funk is only due to a major onslaught of female hormones. I hope it's the time of the month and not some other chemical imbalance that requires mood-altering medication.

I woke up in such a terrible mood not even two donuts before 10am could fix it. TWO. I never even have more than one donut in a week.

It's that bad.

I am generally a nice person. But when I'm not feeling nice, it's ugly. I can say very very mean things. I have that kind of skill. I'm largely non-confrontational because I'm afraid of what I could say that could hurt.

This morning at the lobby, I asked a guy to go back to the end of the line waiting to get inside the elevator. I must have looked like a troll because once inside the elevator, he asked me if he ruined my day. I stopped to think and I said, now that you're talking to me, you've ruined it. FYI, our elevator can hold up to 20 people and this was during rush hour. I should've stopped a beat more and held my tongue.

Then I snapped at the staff and cried in the bathroom. I'm such a girl.

I should just go and run this thing out of my system.

Monday, November 06, 2006